Roman Nomenclator

A whisperer of secrets! Your dreams suggest you may have been a Roman nomenclator in a past life. You informed your patron, likely a Roman Senator, about the names and personal details of people they encountered. You helped them grease the political wheels. Likely you knew all the good gossip. Maybe you whispered to your patron of the affair of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar? Or did you know who murdered Cicero? You would've accompanied your patron to public events, gatherings, and the Forum, enjoying a front row seat to the important events of the day!
Your dreams reveal a remarkable combination of traits that point to this unique profession. The answers you chose indicate a choice of safety and security over recklessness and danger. Your underlying fears of failing at a task show that you were aware that your patron depended upon you to successfully navigate sensitive political dealings. You had to remember every name, every face. Embrace your past incarnation as a Roman nomenclator.
Fascinated by the idea of past lives? In "Killer Insight," homicide detective Kaitlyn Kruse has dreams of her past lives that help her track down killers.
Explore these past lives with her by ordering your copy here.