Spice Trader

A trader of luxury goods! Your dreams suggest you may have been a spice trader in a past life. Imagine traveling to far off lands to trade spices and other precious items! What might you have traded? Cinnamon? Silk? Gems? You needed to be skilled in negotiations and know how to avoid a myriad of dangers across the trade routes like the Spice Road or Silk Road. It took resilience and adaptability!
Your dreams reveal a remarkable combination of traits that point to this unique profession. The answers you chose indicate recurring themes of danger and adventure and an ability to evade the hazards of your treacherous route. Your lack of fears regarding failing at a task and your ability to think creatively show that you had the confidence to take on such a dangerous vocation. Embrace your past incarnation as a spice trader!
Fascinated by the idea of past lives? In "Killer Insight," homicide detective Kaitlyn Kruse has dreams of her past lives that help her track down killers.
Explore these past lives with her by ordering your copy here.